It goes without saying that in times of crisis children are among the vulnerable groups in our society. Children rely heavily on their parents and if those parents are not together due to a separation or divorce it does nothing to improve their situation. Fortunately the Maltese divorce law catered for the needs of children who’s parents are going through a divorce. Matters like child maintenance and access have to be agreed upon before a divorce can be finalised.
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Foreign Divorce Judgment
Although it is only recently that Malta has enacted its own divorce law, there was always the possibility for citizens to go abroad, either to another European Union Member State or even to a non-European Union Member State to obtain a foreign divorce judgment from such country. Continue reading “Foreign Divorce Judgment”
Divorce versus separation
Until recently divorce in Malta was not regulated under Maltese Law and couples whose marriages have broken down could only apply for a legal separation. However, with the introduction of divorce in Malta couples are now able to obtain a divorced if they qualify in the eyes of the court and in accordance with the provisions of the law. Continue reading “Divorce versus separation”
Divorce law
Divorce is the complete and total dissolution of a marriage that existed between the spouses. Therefore once it is granted the couple is no longer deemed to be married in the eyes of the law and thus is able to remarry. Divorce in Malta has always been a very vastly debated topic mostly because of the Catholic Church’s influences on the Maltese islands and its inhabitant’s beliefs that discouraged attempts of to introduce a divorce law. Continue reading “Divorce law”